This article is just a link to a presentation I published on slideshare, you can check it out here :
Better documentation with ascciidoc and asciidoctorMainly Spring/Java and Java JEE tips and tutorials based on what i'm working on, usually (Spring, MongoDB, Spring boot, Big Data, Cassandra etc.) or what interests me. Occasionally some gadget tips.
Introspected tunnels to localhost
Have you ever found yourself in a situation when you are debbugging an application that runs on your localhost or using a remote API and where you need your application to be accessible from the outside, for example for a callback?
If like me you have; you soon realize that it's a pain!
Now there are a few ways you can deal with this but recently I found out about a great service Ngrok and I must say it works like a charm; just create an account (or not actually) then download the executable an run it!
Regarding the licence model, Ngrok is a pay-what-you-want service so depending on your needs you might have to pay for some features but not necessary.
The picture below (taken from ngrok website gives you an idea of how it works) :
One last cool thing about Ngrok is that you not only get the tunneling features but also a monitoring console and the ability to replay requests!
So go ahead and give it a try I must admit it's a great service
OSX show used ports or listening applications with their PID
On OSX you can display applications listening on a given port using the lsof the commands described below will show listening application...
Sometimes when querying a MongoDB document what you will actually need is an item of a given document's embedded collections The issue ...
How to create a multi-hop ssh tunnel or how to chain multiple ssh tunnels. (or SSH inception) For security reasons sometimes you need to ju...
By default IntelliJ IDEA encodes Properties and Message bundle files using the System's default encoding (e.g. ISO-8859-1) In my expe...