NFS Share Mac OSX Lion and Pocorn Hour A-300

I recently bought a Popcorn Hour A-300 from Syabas (which I love) but I was having trouble accessing my MAC OSX SAMBA shares.
I was getting the message :

Share not longer exists 

Since I couldn't find a way to overcome this issue I decided to export my share using NFS instead of SAMBA and now everything works fine.

Here is how I managed this in case it might be useful to someone :

1) Open the terminal application.

2) Create or update the exports file under /etc/exports :

sudo vi /etc/exports

3) edit the file and add the folder you would like to share with the appropriate options :

/Volumes/MyDisk/MyMedia -alldirs -network -mask

here I'm sharing all subfolders of the MyMedia folder to the network.

4) You can check your export using the command :

showmount -e

5) Finish
You can then browse your share from the popcorn hour via the NFS_SERVERS entry under networked media or permanently add your share via the setup menu.

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